Month: July 2015

9 Kick-Ass Kitchen Fight Scenes You Need to See

What would be considered thematically appropriate content for a geeky food blog? A round-up of the nine best movie fight scenes ever to have occurred in...

Smoked Pork Butt: The Dos Equis Amber Epiphany Edition

After getting my Big Green Egg two years ago, one of the very first things I smoked was a pork butt (a.k.a. Boston butt a.k.a. pork...

9 Multicultural Red, White, & Blue Cocktails to Celebrate July 4th

“It’s the Fourth of July!” I thought, “I’m going to write a late article about ‘patriotic’ recipes.” I started off fully intending to cover the best red,...

A Salad Green Lantern and Green Arrow Would Mostly Endorse

When I first made this salad, I honestly didn’t have Green Lantern or Green Arrow in mind.  In fact, what I really had in mind...